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Cover : A bloodless battle

《不流血的戰役─ 非暴力抗爭的理論與實踐》
A bloodless battle: the theory and practice of non-violent resistance

立陶宛捐贈台灣疫苗時,外交部長蘭茲貝吉斯(Gabrielius Landsbergis)說:「熱愛自由的人,要互相幫助」,這本書整理了台灣、香港經驗,並向緬甸致意,不忘附上過去台灣社會運動中,實務操作的分享,包括如何進行組織訓練、草擬行動公約、糾察及紀律規範等技術性資訊,是一本結合了理論與實務的工具書。​​​​​​​
When Lithuania donated vaccines to Taiwan, Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis said: "Those who love freedom must help each other." This book collates the experiences of Taiwan and Hong Kong and pays tribute to Myanmar, not forgetting to attach the practical operations, including technical information on how to organize training, drafting conventions of action, picketing and disciplinary norms in social movements in Taiwan. This is a tool book that combines theory and practice.

Lilies, yellow umbrellas and fluttering women’s clothing are representatives of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Myanmar in non-violent struggles.

Those who fight will achieve the blue sky.

編著 Author|孫友聯
出版 Publish|台灣勞工陣線
封面設計 Cover Design|柳捲
封面材質 Paper|細紋紙上霧光

Cover : A bloodless battle


Cover : A bloodless battle
